Charles said, “Eventually everything connects–people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.”
Charles and Ray knew that learning and play often intersect. Through their Eames House of Cards, we gain associations from various arrangements; we see that building something is an ongoing and often collaborative process; and we begin to appreciate the “uncommon beauty of common things.” In creating the Eames House of Cards, Charles explained:
…we began to take photographs of objects which we, ourselves, cared for very much. And soon, the objects began to build up a pattern. And as Ray put it, before we get through, we’ll have a set of cards that will be great fun for anyone from eight to 115 years old. And they include things like spools of thread, a metronome, and a bunch of old buttons and things.
Now this seems innocuous enough, in itself, but the fact is again you have relationships. I mean, whether it’s a child or an adult looking at a series of these images in relationship to each other, why the meanings change.