Monday, December 29, 2014

Charles Eames and Steve Jobs

We’ve found some interesting comparisons between Steve Jobs and Charles Eames recently. 
Over at the "gigaom" website, one of San Francisco’s most influential tech websites, writer Om Malik suggests those who have read the Steve Jobs biography should see the documentary Eames: "The Architect and the Painter" as an addendum to the book. He notes the similarities between Charles Eames and Jobs; “they both were very clear in distinguishing what is design and what is style. And more importantly both made simplicity their mantra”. He references a review of the film that appeared in the New York Times that also references Jobs in its introduction questioning whether Jobs, like Eames was “primarily a designer, an engineer, a computer nerd or an artist? A benevolent guru or the center of a cult of personality?” The article is well worth reading, find it here.
The comparisons being made are certainly thought provoking and it will be interesting to see how Jobs legacy grows as time and technology moves on – will he will remain as revered as the Eameses still are today, half a century later?
Read the full gigaom article here.